Monday, December 8, 2014

Theoretical questions (for Full-time department)

  1. Definition of Style and Stylistics. Types of stylistic research and branches of stylistics.
  2. Individual Style Study. Decoding and Encoding Stylistics.
  3. Different Approaches to the Classification of Functional Styles in English. Give the Definition of a Functional Style.
  4. The Scientific Prose Style. Its Distinctive Linguistic Features.
  5. The Belles-Lettres Style: Emotive Prose. Its Distinctive Linguistic Features.
  6. The Belles-Lettres Style: Language of Poetry. Its Distinctive Linguistic Features.
  7. The Belles-Lettres Style: Language of the Drama. Its Distinctive Linguistic Features.
  8. The Style of Official Documents. Its Distinctive Linguistic Features.
  9. The Newspaper Style (Brief News Items, the Headline). Its Distinctive Linguistic Features.
  10. The Publicist Style. Its Distinctive Linguistic Features.
  11. The Stylistic Classification of the English Vocabulary (outline). Neutral, Literary and Colloquial Vocabulary.
  12. Special Literary Vocabulary
  13. Special Colloquial Vocabulary.
  14. Meaning. Types of Lexical Meaning
  15. Lexical EMs and SDs: Metaphor, PersonificationMetonymy, Irony.
  16. Lexical EMs and SDs: Zeugma, Pun, Antonomasia.
  17. Lexical EMs and SDs: Simile, Periphrasis, Euphemism, Hyperbole.
  18. Lexical EMs and SDs: Interjections and Exclamatory Words, Epithet, Oxymoron.
  19. Morphological Stylistics (the noun and adjective, their stylistic functions)
  20. Syntactical EMs and SDs: Asyndeton, Polysyndeton, Epiphora, Anaphora, Anadiplosis. 
  21. Syntactical EMs and SDs: Rhetorical Questions, Questions-in-the-narrative, Litotes.
  22. Syntactical EMs and SDs: Stylistic Inversion, Detached Constructions, Parallel Constructions, Chiasmus.
  23. Syntactical EMs and SDs: Stylistic Repetition, Enumeration, Antithesis
  24. Syntactical EMs and SDs: Suspense, Climax, Anticlimax
  25. Syntactical EMs and SDs: Ellipsis, Break-in-the narrative
  26. Syntactical EMs and SDs: Represented speech
  27. Linguistic features of text
  28. Characters and characterisation                           
  29. Points of view in narrative

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


For the exam students will be expected to get ready with the thematic Portfolio.
Required elements for the portfolio include:

-         The report;
-         Stylistic analysis of the text of your own choice in a written form;
-         The exercises done (in Ivashkin’s book)